Diabetes mellitus is a chronic condition characterized by high levels of glucose in the blood, whether it is caused by a decrease in insulin production as well as the body's resistance against both or a combination of both. In general, diabetes is divided into two, namely diabetes type 1 and type 2. In this article will discuss the diabetes type 1.
Type 1 diabetes or often also known as diabetes juvenile because generally attack patients under the age of 40 years. Diabetes type 1 is categorized as a result of the presence of systemic disorders of glucose metabolism disorder characterized by chronic hyperglycemia. The situation is caused by the destruction of pancreatic beta cells by either autoimmune or idiopathic processes that reduced insulin production even stalled.
Insulin is a hormone disorder on the basis of the symptoms
of diabetes mellitus. Insulin is produced in the pancreas which is located near
the liver and plays a role in removing and storing hormone insulin is the
body's fuel is produced in accordance with the "order" means the
levels can go up and down depending on the needs.
Under normal conditions, the immune system protects the body
from bacteria and viral attacks are harmful to the body. However, this
condition is different for people with type 1 diabetes , with no definite reason
the immune system attacks and destroys pancreatic beta cells, resulting in
inhibition of the production of the hormone insulin. For comparison, normal
pancreas to produce 31 units of insulin per day, while patients with type 1 diabetes produce only 0-4 units per day, so they need extra insulin from the
Diabetes type 1 occurs when the body lacks insulin, so blood
sugar levels rise above normal. Insulin has a function to absorb nutrients and
sugar in the blood, and then distribute them to the various cells of the body
to be used as an energy source.
Because the insulin
that is produced in small quantities or even none at all, resulting in an
increase in blood glucose levels (hyperglycemia) and cells of the body is not
getting enough energy intake. These conditions will lead to:
With high levels of sugar in the blood will increase the
amount of urination as a reaction to reduce sugar levels. When the blood sugar
out with urine, automatically the body will lack a lot of fluid, which causes
Losing Weight
Glucose in the blood is a source of energy for the body
because it contains a lot of nutrients and calories needed by the body,
nutrition is very useful for this body wasted with urine, so that people with
type 1 diabetes will experience drastic weight loss.
Body Damage
High levels of sugar in the blood will cause damage to body
tissues. This condition will also damage the small blood vessels in the eyes,
kidneys and heart. So that people with diabetes are at high risk of heart
attack and stroke.
Causes of Diabetes Type 1
Experts and doctors have yet to find the exact cause of
type 1 diabetes . But certainly genetic factors (heredity) is suspected to be
the main cause though most children with type 1 diabetes do not have a history
of diabetes in the family. Someone who has a particular gene is more
susceptible to this type 1 diabetes. This gene is active when influenced by
environmental factors such as exposure to toxins or rat. Enterovirus is the
originator of the clearest and most frequently studied, one of them on the
disease Hand, foot and mouth and polio. Suspected viruses alter the gene so
that the gene to produce antibodies that attack the bodies own or called auto-antibody.
Type 1 diabetes Symptoms
The type 1 diabetes symptoms are:
- Often feel hungry, especially after eating
- Often feel thirsty
- Dry mouth
- Nausea until vomiting
- The loss of weight for no apparent reason
- Fatigue
- The reduced ability of vision
- Injury or infection of the urinary tract or skin
- Breathing rapidly
- Upset stomach
Handle Type 1 Diabetes
Diabetes is a disease that will not disappear and can not be
cured only can we control, the key is to keep blood glucose levels in order to
remain at a normal level. These conditions can be achieved by adjusting thediet/healthy diet, implementing a healthy lifestyle, exercise, and insulin
therapy. Patients with type 1 diabetes should get therapy in the form of
regular insulin injections because the pancreas is unable to produce insulin
which is needed by the body.
People with type 1 diabetes should check their blood sugar levels
on a regular basis, so as to determine the diet or applying a proper diet,
exercise type and amount of insulin needed.
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